The Ultimate Google Ads Negative Keyword
List for Letting Agents 2023
Stop wasting your Google Ads budget immediately with our ultimate list of 16,080 negative keywords for Letting Agents. All you need to do is add the list to your campaign. Download your free list from Bricks & Marketing.
1. Once you have downloaded the list remove the locations (towns, cities and counties) you want to appear for in Google Ads campaigns. All other locations will then be excluded as intended. It’s up to you if you upload the list at a Campaign or Account level.
2. You can add up to 5,000 negative keywords per list to your Google Ads account, but don’t worry as you are allowed to create up to 20 negative keyword lists in your account. We’ve created 4 tabs on the excel spreadsheet so you can simply copy and paste the keywords into the Negative Keyword Lists section of Google Ads to create 4 lists.